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Order of the Sith [OoS]


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Well, it has been about 2 months or more since our humble beginnings and quest to rise from the ashes.


The OoS is no longer looking for general membership, but if you are a serious SO/NF player looking for a clan that will support clan matches and tournaments, check out what we have to offer at http://www.jkii.com


We currently have a Sith Lord/Padawan system that requires all new members to be "sponsored" into the clan by an exsiting leader. Check out our public servers under FFA (Name [OoS]...) or visit our website:




[OoS] Taebaek

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I would like to join your clan seems pretty fun in game name is Oddy im not good but your guys are I could use some learning but thats it, im a easy learner , and something is wrong when i tried to email u it sent up a error on my part, my email is donnamarshall@sbcglobal.net and I played with a few of your guys on yalls server and it was pretty fun I need a clan like this to have more fun on the game well that all.... thnx:D

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