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ok, u need to make a .qc file with the same name as the model (i think - not sure about milkshape really) and change the Frames 30 to Frames 1. to get the skin, make a text file called [modelname].skin, and put in


(or whatever, its [meshname],[pathtoskinimage])

then in MD3View just goto File: Apply Skin and select the skin file. itll probably throw up a warning but ignore it and export 2 GLM and then ingame the skin will be there

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im getting confused now.


the qc controls how many frames are exported. if u have 2 many frames thats ur culprit. at least, thats how it has 2 be with saber hilts etc, im not sure about player models. i assume its a player model due to the fact u mention a skeleton? dont they have 2 b exproted as XSI files?

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i had downloaded milkshape jk2 skeleton so the model needs rezising & fitting to it...ya wanna do it some else modeller i would give my model in glm.because it gives missing bone or bad bone or missing anim sequnce but i didnt refit the model to skeleton because my lack of skill the resize & refit so enyone wants to make it for me?

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