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Need desperate help with skinmapping.


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Hey guys. I'm in dire need of help with skinmapping my Yoda's Lightsaber Hilt. Every time I try to "unfold" my model and break apart the vertexes I end up maiming the skinmap. Could anyone point me in the right direction to some good, detailed tutorials that deal with just skinmapping or just help me out here. BTW, here's a pic of my model (it's been improved since this pic)


http://www.geocities.com/darthnacho69/wipyodasaber.jpg (Drag the link into your address bar or copy and paste)


BTW, it's my first model ever.

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saber skinning is very easy once you understand how it all works, player skinning is the real biatch.

Will your Yoda saber be extra long to make it held properly by Kyle? I guess itd have to be, otherwise you wouldnt see it, eheh.

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hey dude, for your first model it's very impressive. However, I believe that you should make it a bit more accurate. You have two great refence pics that can help you in doing that. Just give it like another hour or two to add some more details. Later on you can try to skin it.


BTW, a great tutorial on UVW mapping is at http://www.wolfblade.com under "Learn".


C ya and good luck


The :evil2: FallenAngel_NYC :evil2:

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I fixed the metal sheet ("Hilt Guard") protruding by the blade emitter to be like in the picture and I made the button round instead of tall and square like shown in my WIP pic.... Thanks for the help guys, Hopefully I'll be able to skinmap this sometime soon. Once I get the map done, actually texturing it won't be too hard, I'm pretty experienced with Photoshop.

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