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Disabling Backstabs


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Just out of curiosity, can they be disabled? All three backstabs?


I mean, people on "my" server usually ABUSE all the time the pull+backstab tactic. I won't go into discussion if it a 'legal' attack or not.

Anyway, I would really like to disable them to make people play more like they 'want to make a nice stylish kill' instead of just racking up frags with the same old pull+backstab tactic.


Plus, does someone have the complete bit field for all the weapons? I only found for regular weapons but not the power-ups.


Much appreciated.

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I admin the pull/backstab is a cheap move. I'll also admit I use it SOMETIMES in the heat of battle. If I've been fighting somebody for a while and I'm almost dead, sometimes I'll try to finish them off quickly by doing it. But I don't run around using it ALL the time, and get sick of people who only know how to rack up kills that way.


That being said...


Can't you simply disable Force Pull in your server config file? That would take care of it, I would think. The only times I see Force Pull being used is to do the pull/backstab move, grab somebody's weapon away, or pull somebody off a platform.


If I joined a server where Force Pull was deactivated, I couldn't do any of those three things. So what? That means I can't have them done to me, either, so I'll work around it.


Seems disabling Pull would be the easiest way to get rid of that move, a one line change I would think.

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yeah like u said, work a way around. if u dont have pull then it does not mean that the backstabb doesnt ruin the game. we never had push on our server since 1.03 and as player skill increased we managed to pull of this nasty move very often and it took over the gameplay. bcuz it was the deadliest move...

people allways find a way. i remember when we first got the dfa right. we thought it would be very difficult but now its as simple as running forward...

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