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White screen....


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When I try to start multiplayer...the small loading window comes up (the same window you get when starting quake3) then it goes in to full screen , and then the screen turns all white...I have been able to play the mulitplayer-game a couple of thimes but then it got this "thing" and now it wont work any time :(


I have a:

AMD 1,4 ghz

256 ram

geForce 2 Ti

runing win XP


Plz HeLp Me :confused:

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i had the same problem for FOREVER, it started right after my first MP connect when i downloaded the pk3 file. i believe all it took to fix was updating the game. (if you look at the game start console thing it should say it found vers 6, was expecting 7).


well it might not be the same thing, but i had same symptoms and that was the cure, so... good luck! :D :D

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