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Overhaul Force powers


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I think the force powers in the game need to be taken to the next level. In the movies we see some force used on people, but many times the force is used to manipulate the ENVIRONMENT and thus give the jedi an advantage.


Force push should be able to break walls


Force pull should be able to pull just about any object


I think a force overhaul mod would do the game some good. Mappers could then even start making maps that have these elemnts (i.e., Cracked bridges that could be broken with force when someone is standing on them, breakable - movable anything. Maybe you'd have to use a certain force power to manipulate a wall or something so that you can get to a certain part of the board where the best weapons are.. )

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You Know Dragon Ball Z people could make a Dragon Ball Z Game with JEDI Knight 2!! YEAH!!!!


Id like throwing Balls of Energy at Storm Troopers and watching it Explode on Impact.. I dont know how we could do this tho Im not a Mod Maker...

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Great idea regarding Dragon Ball. I think that type of a TC or Mod would be great fun. For some reason, SW fans are not only hesitant but forcefully (no pun intended) resistant to having their SW universe changed.


Also, I too enjoyed the force throw in the previous releases of the JK series. I think there are so many things that could be done with the force. Anything that allows you to interact/manipulate the environment should somehow be made into a mod. I think that would be so fun.

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Originally posted by wisealma

Great idea regarding Dragon Ball. I think that type of a TC or Mod would be great fun. For some reason, SW fans are not only hesitant but forcefully (no pun intended) resistant to having their SW universe changed.

The only reason I reject DBZ modifications for JK2, is because DBZ simply sucks.

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DBZ doesn't suck. It's actually kind of cool, and if the community makes a Mod, they can do whatever they want to it (make it cool).

There could be folks with weapons and then the DBZers as well (kind of like Jedi vs Mercs?)

I just think that there is so much potential with the code that there are a lot of things (very fun things) that can be created. A DBZ mod would be fun - flying through the air, gaining powers (like holocron?), and shooting each other , fighting with fists and special moves etc.


I would just love to see some force power overhauls. More interaction with others/environment. What about a force power that dismembered? (popped a head off?)


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