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Imperial convoy inspection with Harrim


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Help! The mission where you must inspect the civilian convoy with the harrim as your wingmates...how do you get through it? it's the one where the harrim begin firing on civilians and once the death toll is at 28% the mission is lost--An even if ou disable all harrim fighters and the "Raider" transports have the cargo ships, imps come and wipe out a freighter and the mission is lost that way too.




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i'm stuck here too, the only things that have helped me get anywhere are:


make good use of your wingmen. get them to disable the hurrim first. to get all 3 of your squad to disable your target key 7,1,4


i think the MOB's only arrive once you inspect their key targets. if you take care of the hurrim first then get your wingmen to take on the ties while you inspect the ships that escape


good luck!

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i did it!


ok, it doesn't matter if you kill or disable the hurrim, so set your lasers and ion cannons linked for a faster kill. search for fighters attacking the freighters and have your wingmen destroy those.


try to set your wingmen on one target then go for a different one yourself. especially go for the ones that end up several klicks away. those ones, as long as no-one's firing at you set your lasers and shields redirected to engines. if you arrive to late it won't matter if you're killed anyway.


once the hurrim are taken care of, make sure you've inspected all the freighters as the mob's won't do anything til you do. set your wingmen for this task, inc. disabling. take on the ties yourself, direct power to engines again until you're about 3 klicks away.


at least that's how i did it. for some reason no skiprays came the time i completed the mission...

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