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Probably a stupid problem


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Alright, ive been kind of shunned away from the quake 3 community for a few years, and the style of programming is new to me.


Just as a test *mod* i used the val saber base and redid the saber colors, then i zipped it up into a pk3 file.


No work

all pathnames etc seem to be in order


after this i scrapped the idea and decided to change that damn duel music to something a little more upbeat and fighter esque. Sticking in my sabers with hopes of them working in this new pk3, which i used the preffered program to zip up, did not work.


This is really bugging me, and my friends that have been into quake 3 for awhile have no idea how to fix it.


Perhaps someone would be willing to take a few minutes out of their day to take a look at my little mod thing and help me get it working.

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