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my scenarios

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i hawe created 2 campagins and fell ready to reales them

its one imperial and one rebel(new republic)

i also made a republic scenario and started rebel(new republic) campaign

one multiplayer mission is also on my list.....


anyone interessded

im not good at triggers and stuff so you hawe to kill all enemys to win maby some one can imperove them


but i hear if someone is interesded before posting them


:atat: :atat:

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here comes some info on thoues things!!!!


rebel camp

o couple of missions where you make you your way to destroy some guns...and oh its heavly inspired by guns on navorone


imperial camp

it bigins with an attack on rebel asteriod field base then you its a trap and you hawe to reatret and counter attack...


rebublic mission

a bounty hunter with a firespray and colony ship has landed on coroscant onloaded some figthing droid(not battle driods)and animals. this guys dont like the rebublic your mission terminate this terrorist.

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tghe wierdo scenario you start with plo kun och a bunch of jedis and fight throue the map..you met freinds on the way.the only conection this got to star wars is the peapol..its amde just for fun.. at one part you face lots lots of strom trooper recuits..realy messy.


a thanx for the interest



are you good at trigger?

becuse i plan to make a scenario where a civilain adeventru team land on the gammoran(thoues pigs in jabbas palace)home world.


when the wierdo scenario is finiched i post evrything here

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