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Do you want to be a Hero?


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The concepts DUTY and HEROISM are both closely linked and yet separated by a great distance.


The word DUTY is defined as an act or a course of action that is required of one by position, social custom, or law. It is also defined as a MORAL OBLIGATION or the compulsion to meet such obligation.


Conversely, a HERO, by definition is one who is noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose; especially one who has risked or sacrificed one’s own life.


The questions of overcoming adversity and following the path of righteousness remain:


Are the efforts of the Rebellion merely the acts of doing one’s DUTY…or is it a collective of HEROES?


How does one go from merely doing his job to performing HEROIC acts?


…Or can a HEROIC act also be an act of DUTY?


Is HEROISM an ingrained quality or an acquired trait?


The Guardians aren’t heroes because they carry out the duties of the Rebellion…




Do your DUTY and join the Rebellion…




If your looking to join a growing PA go by our website http://www.guardianhq.com and submit your application. Visit our forums and see for yourself that The Guardians are where you want to be.


For any further questions feel free to email Recruiting Officer Niroe Stryker at




You can post any questions, comments, or concerns on our forums. One of our friendly members will be willing to respond to your questions.


We look forward to hearing from you.

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Ah but do you only have to be a part of the alliance to become a hero?


Can a smuggler, how does his duty which is to smuggle illegal goods for others, become a hero? Everyday he puts his life on the line, risking hunts from bounty hunters, traps from the imps and alliances alike. Sacraficing his own life or putting himself in danger for the sake of his contractor to get his goods. Delivering the goods because no one else has enough courage or GUTS to do so. Do you class this also as heroism as it too has the same traits and qualities you have described as needed.

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The end justifies the means. If you're smuggling munitions for the Rebellion then you're providing a service for a worthy cause. You're doing you're part to rid the galaxy of tyranny and oppression.


On the other hand, can you honestly expect that a person smuggling contraband drugs, booze, or slaves to be a hero when the justification is only profit?


Intentions and motives are the defining characteristics.

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The end justifies the means


Note this Rebel doctrine, they will use any means, any method, including the brutal slaughter of innocent civilians, to destroy the greatest source of peace, order and law in the galaxy.


I will do my duty as a loyal servant of the Empire, and history will decide wether or not I am a hero.




Many of the characters in the rebellion were heroes, but as duty is a lawful concept, and the alliance was an unlawful rebellion, none can be said to be doing their duty until the Rebellion evolved into the New Republic...

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I think you're crossing into a grey area when you bring politics and question who breaks the laws. Are we talking the laws of the Empire...or the laws of nature.


Is tyranny, treachery, and oppression the characteristics of lawful behavior?


One can not accept such acts of deviant mass social behavior as "laws".


That isn't law, my friend. It's cruelty.

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The only law of nature is that the fittest survive. Any other law is a construction out of moral nicety.


Laws are by nature oppressive - they restrict the rights of individuals to protect the citizens of a country. (For example an anti-murder law oppresses people's right to kill in return for providing freedom from fear of death).



Law abiding imperial citizens have nothing to fear, and suggestions to the contrary are seditious lies as dangerous to the ordered state of the galaxy as illegal narcotics such as spice are. The Rebellion threatens the peace of the galaxy and the safety and well-being of every Imperial citizen.

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I sent you a join request not long ago actually... never got a reply. After being so inspired by your previous speech that is.


RoyalGuard... really do you belive that? . I mean the story is designed for the watcher to be sympathetic to the Rebels, the good guys.


Why did they destroy Alderaan? Because of a crime the ENTIRE populace had commited? no.


The fact that the show is run by two Sith lords is quite something. And your right usually if you are law abbiding thats fine but if you get in the Empires way it doesnt matter if your an angel, your as good as dead.

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Galin, please note the IC in all my posts. The character represented here is Nikarn Treylar (character Bio here: Bio thread )


A character who was raised by the New Order effectively and who has been subjected to expertly-designed ISB and COMPNOR propoganda, not to mention having been through the Caridian Academy! The views in these posts are therefore the views of Nikarn, and consequently are biased from the Imperial view.


The OOC (out-of-character) parts of my responses have been directed at terms and defintions, rather than any specific viewpoint. Apologies for any confusion.

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If you wish to be a member of the Guardians please submit your application on our website. I'm sure you would be a fine addition to our ranks.


Go to http://www.guardianhq.com and post on our forums if you have any further problems with application. We may have been exeriencing technical difficulties at the time.


We look forward to hearing from you.

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OOC: But then again laws are also created from majority rules and morals. Morals of the times is determined by the majority of the people involved.


IC: In our situation, who makes up the majority? The Empire or the Alliance or even smugglers like myself?


Does a smuggler have to smuggle only for the Alliance to become a hero? No, he does not. There are multiple reasons and chances on how a smuggler can become a hero without helping the Alliance.

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I dont agree with that TyrX.


No one can be a hero without exuding effort in some way shape or form.


And I think that if one shows effort into being truly great and awe inspiring...then one can strive to be a hero.

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I do not think anybody can aspire to being a 'Hero', it is something which just happens.


I do think people can apsire to commiting acts of 'Heroism' though, you can wake up and think "I want to do something good today." But you can't think to yourself "Right today I'm going to become a hero."


Subtle diferences.

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That's right Galin, you don't wake up and say..."Hey, today I'm going to go out and be a hero!" That just negates being a hero! A hero is someone who doesn't want or care that s/he is a hero. It just turns out that way. And the people who walk around saying they are a super huge hero are not good.

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I've always believed that heroes were ordinary people who, when thrust into extraordinary circumstances, did what they believed to be the right thing, regardless of personal danger...




The only heroes in this Universe are the brave soldiers of the Empire who constantly put their lives on the line to protect the innocent citizens of the Empire threatened by terrorists and criminals...

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