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Where is my texture window?


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anyway I set it up to look like WC becuase that it what I am used to and I don't know where my texture window is? How do I view it?


Also: this has probably been answered but I will just ask anyway, how do I move my camera on the z-axis


so just how can I basically just move from WC to JKRadiant?? lol




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your texture window probably needs to be dragged up, click on the gray bar where it usually is and drag it up, i need to do that sometimes, if i don't make sense, let me know lol

as for your other prob, hmm all i know about moving the cam is the arrow keys and "D" is up "C" is down "A" is look up "Z" is look down, and you ctrl + tab to change views to get to the right axis you want to move on.

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