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Saber Only Icon Differences? (Server Listing)

Phunen ey

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I've had this game now for about a week and I've learned a ton about the different stances, special attacks, counters, etc. by reading this board (Thx guys). But I do have a question regarding the icons located in the server listing area in the game, I cannot decifer the saber only colors. I see some that have blue sabers, some red, some white (I think). What are the differences in those?





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The color of the saber only icons do not represent anything. If you look at the color of the last letter of text in the server name, you will note that the saber only icon will be that same color. It's the same kind of thing that happens with people's names in game. The color of the last letter of someones name will carry on into the following text if it is any color but white.



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