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Clone Trooper Long Rifle


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k i have the AotC Visual Dictonary here

The DC-15 rifle has the scope on the bottom is used as a hand hold in assults but for sniping it flips up and the trooper holds the barrel

so the sniper rifle is the odvious weapon for it 2 replace if u redid the weapons.dat so it fired like the a blue laser at a middum rate of fire for standard attack and then used the disruptor rifle scope for secondary fire

The DC-15 blaster looks very like the blasters used on ANH

i will scan u the pics and email them 2 u if u want (PM me)



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Steg THANK YOU, it was designed to be detached and put on top of the gun. Okay guys look at the visual dictionary for AoTC and you will see the clone trooper lookes the best with the rifle in an aiming position wich is what position the sniper rifle is in, the bowcaster has it at the side like rambo wich isn't as affective. Whoever wants to start this project with me email me at darthmaul774@hotmail.com and will get to you in about 4 days. One more thing the blast from the bowcaster doesn't look like the dc-11 blaster rifle, and it would be stupid shooting 5 shots at once, and the secondary fire mode reflecting off walls, the sniper rifle is much more accurate.

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