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the light side will not fail....


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a long time ago in a galaxy far far away....

i discovered jedi knight 2 (no i'm not kidding :))

i started to play it everyday and managed to master the lightsaber and forces quite well

on servers it was quite easy back then to slay the ppl, specially in hard stance of the lightsaber

but it was fun, there were people using the low, medium and high stance, it was a good mix, there were good jedis everywhere

and one day the dark side managed to release a patch

of course everyone had been seduced by the dark side of the force so people downloaded it and installed it (including me :/ )

from that day on all the fun was gone : everyone was using low stance as the high one weakened, it was impossible to slay someone correctly (one full stab in high stance in someone's back can't kill him)

furthermore a new move appeared in the front lines (even though it was already available in the past)

it was the backstab/backthrust

it allowed anyone to kill someone else without any skills required

so while i was fighting the dark side all i saw was a bunch of ppl running into each other stabbing all the way

the most amazing thing is that they were all showing their ass off

still i managed not to fall to the dark side and i'm still fighting in a true jedi way :lsduel:

i tried to convince the people of the dark side to come back to the light side...in vain, they have devoted their fate to the siths

i thought i was the only rebel.....until i came here

well i'm happy to see that there are still people thinking like me :)

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LoL.. a pothead.. :rhett:




Yeah, it's true.. I was also one of the few *cough* that tried not to fall to the dark side, or in fact all the opposite: stay true to the *shafted* dark side, and pretend to fend off assfighters w/absorb on 24/7, with my saber and nerfed force grip .. too no avail..


Just in case anyone at Raven is reading this:




The proof for me that the above is true, is that I have dumped JK2 in favor of some SP games I had lying around... to think that I could play 4 hours straight (enjoying) with 1.02..

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Yes it is sad isn't it, the game will never be as fun as it once was. I still play 1.02 but the servers are getting more scarce every day and the ones that are left i ping at least 100ms higher than i'm normally used to (yes i am a spoiled lpb). For those reasons i have tried countless times to switch to the patched game, but no matter how hard i try i just can't have anywhere near as much fun as 1.02 brings me. I've tried all the mod/patches like 1.03a and u1.04 and while they do fix some of the spammage that goes on the combat is still too lathargic to keep me interested. :mad: :mad:

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