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WIP: Un named Hydro ball map


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lol i dont know if you have noticed or not. but you can tell i have been reading rich's tutorials.


ive got clipping. caulking everywhere.


water, Fire spurt. Models, Rotation. Clip brush.

sound. Music. lol


ive been reading almost all his stuff.


and basically ive tried to build my level by the book so to speak.


its not so bad so far.


I think i might make a couple of the blocks near the bridges, be broken or chipped.


but apart from that there isnt much more to do to the lobby area.

it will be on to making the actual arena.


Btw i contacted the guy who made ydroball. to see if hed make a example map, or give the exact size of the arena, etc.


but i havnt had word from him yet., maybe if we ask together he may feel more pressure to reply lol :)

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