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yippie, my first assimilate error...


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well the first problem is that i placed everything where its supposed to be and assimilate says this:


Build trigger: c:/base/models/players/maw/model.glm missing

entering c:/base/models/players/maw/model.car

90 degree skewing OFF

Loading GLA "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla" .....

...17278 frames

Grabbed 1 file with 17278 frames

XSI file 'c:/base/models/players/_humanoid/root.xsi' not found!


secondly when i put the root.xsi into the humanoid folder and it seems to work i get the error "could not find bone..." and it lists 13 bones, which i have... so wth?

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when it usually says cant find bone it means that some of the taboo bones have been weighted to the mesh, i now that the left_hang_tag_bone cant be weighted to anythign so i reccomned removing those bones form the list from any skin modifiers, replacing them with ones the are close enough and then re-exporting and see if that works.

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I think I had this problem too.

You might wanna try to place the _humanoid.gla in your maw directory.

When you add this humanoid.gla file and select to build it it automatically looks up the root.xsi file that is in the same directory. If that gla file is in the _humanoid directory than thi root.xsi cannot be found.


This worked for me although Spacemonkey's tutorial says that you shoudl put it in the _humanoid directory.

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ok that was the problem, i fixed all the missing bones by doing some reweighting.


but the spine_eff does not seem to be weighted to anything and it still says its missing...


edit: ahh of course, its those hard to see bolts, ill fix that up right now!

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My assimilate process has been horrible as well. Its a piece of ****e! So confusing! DAMN assimilate! (Ah another post where I damn some part of the modeling process once again)

Anyways, my problem is that when I add the humanoid.gla and then build, it creates the model.car in my folder and then gives an error that it cannot find c:\program.car or something like that. It does build the model.car but not the model.glm. What the feck is wrong? ARGH!

- Wolf :jawa

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