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SP next level loading lockup prob


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After I play through the first level and put in all the codes to unlock the door. After I step through and I get my game stats. The level begins to load and looks like the progress goes through all the way, but then the screen just goes black, and locks up the machine forcing me to hit the reset button.


This is a fresh install of JK2 with the update on a fresh install of win98.


I'm running a athalon 600 on an asus k7v with a matrox marvel g400 and a sblive plat. All the drivers are up to date and everything else seems to run fine. The game runs great until that point were the next level is supposed to start up.


Is this a common problem? What can I try to fix this?

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I have the exact same problem with Gforce4 4200ti and an AMD XP1800 with 512MBs of memory, and I dont have an SB Live so it can't be that.

I can sometimes get to the next stage when the game manages to autosave itself at its start. If I reboot and load the autosave I can play the next stage, but it always crashes when I should get to the next one.

It seems that this problem occurs when the game attemps to load two different levels during one boot.

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