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Help With Jedi Knight II Pleeease..


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Hello, 2 things:


i have the 1.03 patch installed:


When i go to start my own server in multiplayer, there is no stormtrooper bot to choose in one of the open slots. Is this normal, or am i missing something?


Secondly, is there a mod that allows cutting off limbs, heads etc in multiplayer with the saber. The enyak_mutilate mod only does it in single player, and i can't figure out how to do it in multiplayer?


Please help,




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Thanks for that i will try it when i get home, i actually set g_dismember to 5 but never saw anything.


As for the stormtrooper thing i sorted that out - stupid me - i was looking for the name stormtrooper as i was going through all the bots, when really the stormtrooper is TK-421 or something like that.


Cheers for that..



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