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server Problem


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hey all, I've been noticeing that all of a sudden no 1 has been joining my duels server.

I have just moved the game over to a different Game Server Machine.

This is what I think the deal is.

The Game Server machine is the host machine for the network... right now it has win9x on it. The way I've always had my LAN setup is the Game Server machine is also the machine for the internet connection.( I use a internal PCI Card) so this machine has ICS which allows my Client Machine to connect to the internet via the LAN. HopeFully soon I'll have a Router but for now it's what I have.

Now that I built my new Client Machine. I decided that I would throw WIN2k PRO on it since I need to bone up on my Admining skills.

well anyway Win2k Pro has ICS built into the OS already.

The thing with ICS is that it should only be installed on the HOST machine Which it is on the WIN9X machine. but see it's a internal part of win2k pro and I'm not sure how to turn it off and I'm thinking that the WIn2kPro ICS is conflicting with the win9x ICS.


I'm willing to go up to WIN2K on the Host machine but I want to Know how to Lock it down more securely before I start broadcasting to the NET.

If any 1 has a suggestion let me know. Nothing else has changed in the config of the network, I'm really thinking that it's the ICS.

OH yeah Both machines can see eachother just fine in the network.

So my ? is... Is there anyway to disable ICS under the WIN2K Pro?

or is that even the direction that I need to be thinking in?

Thanks folks.


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I don't know what you be talkin about. I play on your server. (Red{i}Jedi[CELL])



I have noticed it acting a little strange. If I where you I would run it on W2k. Something about 98 that just SUCKS..... And I mean SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS> I know if you wanna great running ded server run it on Linux.



ICS? Integrated Computer Solutions? Or Internet connection sharing???



I would set up BSD as a firewall/router then you can use your external IP with no issues. Here is a good link about WINBlows ICS



I can’t imagine using ICS with a server/client/outside world congfig, but it may work just fine.



Now you asked about getting secure. BSD is the way to go. BUT. IF you are going to be using WinBlowz get the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer


It helps. I hope :p

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