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Non nerfed dammage?


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Does anyone know the values for the non nerfed backstabs? I got it so the backstabs can spin and stuff now but I'm not sure of the damamge values. for example this is what I have for the red backstab dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 30, 55, 0.5f); and it seems to be sortof close but exact numbers would be good if anyone knows them. Thanks.

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there is no exact value


it has to do something with animLength etc...


totalDamage *= damageFactor;
if (totalDamage < minDmg)
	totalDamage = minDmg;
if (totalDamage > maxDmg)
	totalDamage = maxDmg;






peakPoint = attackAnimLength;
peakPoint -= attackAnimLength*multPoint;

//we treat torsoTimer as the point in the animation (closer it is to attackAnimLength, closer it is to beginning)
currentPoint = self->client->ps.torsoTimer;

if (peakPoint > currentPoint)
	peakDif = (peakPoint - currentPoint);
	peakDif = (currentPoint - peakPoint);

damageFactor = (float)((currentPoint/peakPoint));



I advise you to look yourself at the code from "G_GetAttackDamage"

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um I looked at G_AttackDammage... thats why it was in my post... It has exact values for min dammage max dammage and scale(not sure what scale does). I just wanted to know the exact values for min and max on those.

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