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Jedi's Guide to Keyboard Remapping


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One of the things that I dont like, perhaps the only thing, about JK2 Outcast is the default keyboard mapping.


Lets see, forward is the arrows, ok we have a hand there. Mouse look for looking around and shooting and force powers on F1 through F8. No no no. To be a true jedi, you need to have those force powers under lighting reflex area. An area that you can get to without looking and without thinking. So remap them.


To remap keys, hit esc to exit out to the menu. Then pick controls. Then you can cycle through the different control menus and see the options. Click on a control and it will allow you to set the keys.


My Jedi Cofiguration:


Use item: Moved from E to numpad +.

Step left and right: Arrow keys left and right. I always use the mouse to turn so those keys are irrelevant.

Jump: Numpad 0

Crouch: Numpad . (numpad , if you are on a German keyboard layout like me)

Weapon 1: Lightsaber is on shift. I like to deactivate it while not in battle. Looks jedi like.

Force powers: Mapped to numpad 1 throug 9. These are critically important. Having force push on numpad 1 will save your life. When Desan is in the air, dropping on you, force push him with an instant reflex.

Inventory keys.: Remapped to F1 through F5. No need for these to be quick reflex items.

Lightsaber style: Ctrl key. Switchign styles rapidly in a fight is one of the best ways to take out that mouse hammerer with skill.


This configuration will put you in prime position to be able to fight like a Jedi with lighting reflexes not possible by the original configuration. In multiplayer this will really pay off.


In this forum, a sticky might be appropriate.

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It may work for you but it doesn't work for me.


Meth's layout...


W,A,S,D - forward, strafe left, back, and strafe right respectively.

E - use

Q - crouch

SPACE - jump


With Intellimouse Explorer...


LMB - primary fire

RMB - secondary fire

MB3 - saber style

MB4 - use force power

MB5 - lightsabre (weapon 1)

MWHEELUP - next force power

MWHEELDOWN - previous force power

I left every other key as default except for L which i bound to "sabercolor purple".


I appreciate that not every one has the same mouse as me but now you understand why your layout doesn't work for me.

But hey, if it ain't broke, don't try and fix it.

Different strokes, man. Know what I mean?

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of course,

different strokes for different folks.

my config.

use - e

push - q

pull - r

speed and grip - f (default usage key)

mind trick - v

lightning - t

heal - F5

prim. att. - mouse1

sec. att. - mouse2



spawn rebel - m

spawn besipn cop dude - n

spawn tavion - i

spawn jedi_train/master person (with orange saber) - o

spawn luke - j

give force - k

spawn rebornboss - b

spawn desann - h

again, the cheats are for those interesting places, just to spice things up.

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