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For God Sakes Man!

SG Lionblade

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PLZ HELP ME!!! I HAVE TRIED MASSASSI and they suck. Ok heres my prob. I have made a lvl and have compiled it into bsp. I then made an .arena file through a arenamaster program (it was for quake but I just edited it) I then took a .jpg pic and used it for my ss and made my .pk3 in winzip.... I put it in base and go check in Mulitplayer.. ITS NOT THERE... I cant see it in Single cause I dont have my cd but I gave it to a friend and he was able to go in.. I am thinking there is something wrong in the .arena file but maybe the lvl itself is corrupt> PLZ HELP ME! ~ Lion

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First of all, you won't be able to see the map in the singleplayer mod list unless you go to a lot more effort than that... if you just mean you want to test the map in SP, you should check that the bsp is in your maps/ directory and then enter the command "devmap MAPNAME" in the console.


Your arena file should look like the one described in http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/gc102lsn7.html

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My arena file...


map "new"


longname "This is a pain in the"

fraglimit "30"

type "Duel"



I took the "" out of Bots but Ive already tried it with it case ur wondering. The lvl itself is just platform in space... supposed to be a test duel map. Im new to radient of course so..there

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