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There IS a reason ....


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Why you didn't see the 50+ Jedi in Episode II "ass-fighting" and twirling like tops in the arena fight scene. Maybe ... because it looks RETARDED?


I'm enough of a Star Wars fan that I uninstalled this joke of a Multiplayer experience from my hard drive. Not to set myself apart from the "whiner" tag that seems to be thrown around this forum like monkeys flinging their doo-doo (edited for the many minors) at each other. I know how to counter the backstabbing scripts, it's called a swift kick to the arse and laughing as they free fall off a ledge or mash into their fellow arse fighters.


However, what I can't stand is how silly it looks. At what's worse, the game is a Star Wars game. I mean ... come on fellas, at this rate you probably should be banned from watching Episode III for botching up the only recent Star Wars lightsaber-battle MP experience.... shame on you!


Oh, and if you want a bug report. Here's one for ya, Raven, which seriously ... any amateur game development company would have seen coming a mile away ...:


1. Don't allow scripts, macros, or any shortcuts to be created and implemented by players to affect MP ... it's just silly. It's like you're literally trying to botch up MP. Are you? This lack of customer support and the 1.03 patch seem to suggest so.


So, I suppose the only way I'll have an authentic-feeling Star Wars lightsaber battle would either be with a company that knows not to screw around with the can't-lose franchise of Star Wars. I mean, what you did was put kids and teenagers (who apparently have no respect for the Star Wars name) in charge of the MP experience by allowing them to give their jedi a ridiculous looking "ass-twirling" move. My only alternative is simply playing on a LAN with mature friends that try not to talk like gangstas during play. But you can imagine ... that's hard to come by in this day and age ... sorry, I just have to laugh at that part because it's too true. Kids today.


The 1.03 patch ... what? How about just fixing the actual problems, like the moving while doing the heavy saber lunge, instead of nerfing a great many other moves? Seriously what brainiac in the Raven offices had the idea to take out the feature that tapping a lightsaber to someone's head or backing up into one will most likely kill off a player? It's called a Darwin Award! It's like you're penalizing players for having a lightsaber in the first place. Kind of self-defeating, yes?


Makes sense to me! Heck, if this was a medieval sword-fighting game, it would still make sense. But no, we're talking about lightsabers, an energy sword that can melt blast doors. I think backing up into one or having the tip of a lightsaber brush one's head would probably kill, don't you?


Here's a tip then, be alert. I mean, for goddsakes, it's not like their are invisible lightsabers in the game, THEY GLOW! So where's the excuse for not seeing one coming ...?


Fix the bugs, Raven, don't mess with common sense and reason.


And seriously, did you also see health and shields laying all over the Star Wars universe or during the movies? This has been an incorrectly-realized gaming standard which started with console adventure games like Mario Bros., arcade games, and other linear adventure games.


Times have changed. PCs today can handle much more innovative ideas. And gamers I should think can handle a little reality. I mean, God forbid someone makes an action MP game where it entails actual brain-power and strategy to overcome your opponents. Can we say, merging the idea of using your brain as much as mashing your mouse buttons?


Oh well, one can only hope, right?

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I agree with you. I don't think the blame lies with raven mostly though. If you look at soldier of fortune II and Jedi Knight II, 2 games developed pretty much at the same time, and by the same company you can see how well a game will look when you don't have another company (Lucas Arts), sitting there listening to all the whiners on a forum and then dictating how you make and patch your game.


Soldier of Fortune II is a great game because Raven is the ONLY company that makes the decisions on it. Activision stays out of the mix, just as Lucas Arts should stay out of Jedi Knight II. Lucas Arts are the people that dictate when and why a patch will be released. Their lack of understanding and playability in this game is shown by their retarded patch. I feel sorry for the people that buy the game reading the reviews in magazines only to have their money wasted by the horrid multiplayer that has developed due to the 1.03 patch. The game released by Raven 1.02 was fine, then Lucas Arts had to get in the mix and just SCREW everything up. Here is an idea, how about before you make a patch you release it to the public so that they can give you an idea on how things will be. Why is Quake and ID Software loved so much?? Because they know how to run a gaming enterprise, and listen to their fans, the people that buy the game. Not the people that sit in a office all day behind a computer reading forum posts because people don't like the way this is or the way that is. Then ignoring the fact that they just totally screwed up the game and let Raven take the blame for it.


Lucas Arts used to stand for quality and outstanding standards in gaming, for example the previous dark forces games, and X-Wing and Tie Fighter. Now they can't make any decent games, or they have to stick their face where it does not belong and tell a company how to balance a game out that they did not make.


Anyway this post is kinda long and winded but Ubergamer has a point, and a good one at that. The experience I had when I 1st bought the game is gone, and it is too bad I can't get my money back because this game is not worth the $40 I spent on it, if my voice is not even heard.

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Yes, it all comes to the point.. if so many people are (some with better reasons than others) saying that 1.03 is an awful crap, including myself, why can't they listen to us and realize their mistakes?


For me, fixing this mess is really simple.. just put things like they were in 1.02 (whithout reintroducing the bugs, of course :p), and let us give the finger to assfighters once and for all..

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I agree, Raven should've fixed stuff instead of messing around with stuff. They threw this game together in six months and then abandoned it without reading any of these forums. I want the game restored to how it used to be and I want that damn freezing/crashing bug fixed!

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