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Getting Dark Forces 1 & DOS games working w/sound...


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OK, I've basically accepted that I can't play DOS games with sound with my built-in soundchip for my AMD Athlon 1.333 MHZ computer (running Windows ME). That much I accept, since there doesn't appear to be any way to change the IRQ (unless I'm missing something... don't think so, nothing in the BIOS about it and the device manager doesn't let you change the settings on it).


What I want to know is this: If I bought a Soundblaster Live! or Soundblaster Audigy (what's the difference?) - and they are PCI cards, correct? - could I set them up so that I could play DOS games like Dark Forces 1 with sound and such?


Thank you.


- Neo

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The difference between the Audigy and the Live sound blaster cards is the software package and the price. Otherwise their is no real difference. If I were you I would just get a Live X-Gamer. Unless you want to spend the cash and get the Platinum that comes with the little thing for the front of your computer.


:jango: Pimp Masta Fett :fett:

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