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Post all Assimilate problems here!

Sniper Wolf

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I've decided to take it upon myself and make a thread so everyone can post their Assimilate problems here (since there are so many!) and organize the modeling forum a little. Please don't disregard this, and perhaps a mod can make this sticky so people can see it at the top of the list. Anyways, here's another one of my questions:

I have everything working except at the end of the .glm compiling process, it says that it failed to import my root.xsi from models/players/rendak/ folder. What options should I choose when exporting from 3dsmax and what could be a solution to this problem? Thanks and continue to post in this thread.

- Wolf :jawa

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I don't know if it's wise to have people post all their assimilate problems in 1 thread because than it's hard to tell an anwers from a problem and which question and answer belong together.


I've decided to make a simple site with JK2 modelling tips (not modelling & skinmapping but what to do after that). I'll be scanning this forum for questions and answers and place them on the site. And since I am learning this process myself now I'll try to add some of my experience when relevant.


Here's the url...


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Originally posted by Sniper Wolf

I have everything working except at the end of the .glm compiling process, it says that it failed to import my root.xsi from models/players/rendak/ folder.

- Wolf :jawa


I got the same thing when I followed the tutorial, my solution is posted here (Read the whole thread before starting though)



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