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Tools on a budget?


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I used to play allot with a program called Moray for use with a ray tracing program. I was able to creat models and so on using this program. That wont work with JK2Radient.


On the other hand, I dont have three grand to blow on 3d studio or lightwave. Are there modelling programs in the $200 range that are good? If not, what do you all use?



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...yes...but wheather pipped games a moral or not is a diff story,

if you want a legal modeling software for about 20 bucks get milkshape 3d it has a 30day trial, it like 3dmax but without all the bells and stuff



BTW, Derisor don't be stupid ripping a game from a company you dislike and ones you don't is no different your still ripping games and cheating ppl out of there money...not to say im going to pay thoudasnds of dollors on software for a game i only spent 40 on

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Oh, I see. You dont get it. Let me try again.


YOu see, there are poeple at Ravensoft that work for a living. They have families and bills to pay and so on. These people work for the company to build a game. They put their heart into it and they DESERVE to get paid for it.


Now, I seriously doubt that you do whatever it is that you do for free. Why is it that you cannot grant another guy the courtesy of the rewards for his efforts. I would call this selfish.


The company that makes 3d studio puts a hell of allot of work into the product and you are STEALING from them. Yes, you are just like the guy that robs the bank or breaks in and loots the shops. A scumball.


So what about this microsoft thing? I see it sort of as stealing from the mafia. They are the computer mafia in my opinion. So I dont personally do it but I cant bring myself to condemn someone that does.


Clear now?

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BobaFett7: while u may be able 2 justify it 2 urself, its still stealing. if u must try and persuade people to steal, do it on the general forums instead of wasting space here. likewise, Derisor, dont try and persuade him not to steal, it aint gonna work and it wastes space. if u 2 wanna argue, do it by email. everyone is entitled 2 their own morals. if u think stealing expensive software is OK, then do it. if u dont, dont. dont try imposing ur morals on others, especially not during other peoples time. this is a MODELLING forum, remember?

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Get Moray and write a converter to the model format used in jkII and then it owuld be great.


But as for the 25k a year guy. That is theft. No different then lifting a TV from a local store.


I just heard about GMAX, where can I download it ?

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Oh, I see. You dont get it. Let me try again.


YOu see, there are poeple at Ravensoft that work for a living. They have families and bills to pay and so on. These people work for the company to build a game. They put their heart into it and they DESERVE to get paid for it.


Now, I seriously doubt that you do whatever it is that you do for free. Why is it that you cannot grant another guy the courtesy of the rewards for his efforts. I would call this selfish.


The company that makes 3d studio puts a hell of allot of work into the product and you are STEALING from them. Yes, you are just like the guy that robs the bank or breaks in and loots the shops. A scumball.


So what about this microsoft thing? I see it sort of as stealing from the mafia. They are the computer mafia in my opinion. So I dont personally do it but I cant bring myself to condemn someone that does.


Clear now?


ok no one said i don't believe ppl should get paid, i said i already supported raven by buying there game i also support them by keep the game alive, IE:modeling mapping, i help add replayablity to there games, also i don't have any pirated software, but i can see why ppl do it, sure its wrong but no matter wat i tell ppl they won't listen, NEXT, im sry to tell you but as much as yo hate microsoft (and i do to) there are ppl that make games that have families and such and have no say in the corruption, ppl who work ther and are not a part of the scemming, don't they deserve to be paid

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I'm sorry I even brought the subject up.

I wrong to think that my stupid suggestion would be considered useful to a potential modeler looking for a program to use.

My apologies to all of you, the subject of software legitimacy shouldn't even be something to bother posting about in this forum.

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hmm i agree, back on topic

her are your choices

softimage....can do animations but cost like 10,000

3d max...like gamx but with alot of bells and whisles 3,000

milkshape...good bout 30 $




gmax doesn't have a md3 exporter that makes md3s that work in jkii, right now you need milkshape or 3dmax

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That is just plain misinformed, ask LordFBF, he's said it a thousand times, there is a program called tempest that does it, but it's a big download, and it's easier to just get the plugins for gmax. It is VERY possible to export to (and import from) .md3 with gmax.


People, do research before you post definitive answers, or previously asked questions.

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If you are a student you can purchase 3ds Max legally quite cheaply. The only difference between the educational version and the commercial version is that you cannot profit from anything made with the program.


I purchased the student version of Max for about $200AU. Quite good considering the commercial version was a few thousand.

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