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Hate Ass-Fighters, or want JK2 to be good again?


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If you don't like playing with ass fighters, then come play JK2++ . The main difference between this and Jk2 is the the authors listen to the comments people make and then will test out these ideas in their beta versions, and alpha versions. If something works they keep it, if something doesnt they fix it. This way the community gets a say on what they want while at the same time maintaining the balance and gameplay that JK2 has. This is much the same way that Tribes 2 was, Sierra didn't like the way the game was so they fired the dev team, leaving the bugs and exploits open. Then came Tribes 2 base++ a mod that fixed the exploits and rebalanced gameplay. This is the goal of JK2++ is to make the game YOU want. Not some game where ass-fighters and scripts rule.


Since Lucas Arts won't let raven make the game better let us as a community do it by all showing our support for and playing Jk2++.


Please visit us here, and help restore the glory of JK2.

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It says "browser not capable of showing your leet site" and I must upgrade.. meh..


/me moves along, but first!


Lightsabers + MP + 14 yr olds (those who saw jedi first then ANH then ESB) = Boring Gamming Experience


Yet I am almost positive, not 100% sure, I will have to work on it.. after careful analysis I believe the equation reduces to


Lightsabers + MP = Boring Gamming Experience


I will try to explain why...

In SP when you hack and slash an enemy, you can say your dry witty comment which makes you look like an action hero.

"Heads up.."


And unless hes some bad @#$ main boss he will stay dead.


But in MP when you hack and slash an enemy, you can't say your dry witty comment which makes you look like an action hero... Why? Because after 2 seconds the guy is right back up like hes a liquid terminator. After about 10 minutes of this the game turns into the ghostly game of JK MP. NON-STOP hacking and slashing, players running in circles using Bughunter's Patented side slice. Oh the humanity, and you begin to realize why you stopped playing JK some 4 years ago (for others it maybe as recent as 1 year ago)..




I really hope you succeed where Raven failed, in making the game fun..


I know my 50 dollars would greatly appreciate it.



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