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Claws of Naar


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I know that there are a lot of clans currently out there, and many people are skeptical of the "one-night" clans. I assure you, that we are not one of those. Granted, we just launched the clan middle of last week, but our member's have been around for over a month (the three of us broke away from another clan that got out of control due to a "dictatorship"). Anyhow, please stop by at the very least to see what we're about...

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It was determined that the cause of the problem was Winamp being open on your computer. We are currently troubleshooting the matter. Apologies to anyone else who has problems. The Claws of Naar would NEVER stoop so low as to knowingly plant a virus, bad script, ect. We place honor above all else. Claws of Naar is still seeking recruits of all skill levels. Visit http://www.clawsofnaar.cjb.net if interested in joining. We have a clan server, and hold practices on Tues & Fri @ 10pm Central. Stop by the site for more info.

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Merlinova and I are relatively new to web design, so we're still trying to work out all the bugs. You're not the only one who dislikes the popup killer thing. I'm sure many of you don't even HAVE a popup killer. I don't, and it's caused some of my posts to mysteriously disappear on more than one occasion. Trust me, when we figure out how...it's gone. As far as the ads go, there's not much we can do about that. Yes, I know they're annoying, but they are a necessary evil...for now. I'm trying to build our own forums so we don't have to deal with this bs anymore. If anyone has a suggestion, by all means let me know.



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If you can prove that your site and team won't be falling appart any time soon, perhaps http://www.nrgteam.com can host you. As of now we aren't accepting any new accounts but if you're still up and running by August then I'm sure I can fill you in.


Hosted sites:


AB - The Archangel Brotherhood; http://ab.nrgteam.com

CTF - Clone Trooper Federation; http://clone.nrgteam.com(under construction)



LotR - Lord of the Rings Mod

ROX - Rites of Zanthus Mod


Cheers ;)

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