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Twisted Vertex

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I started the project, and was looking at the assesst0.pk3. The guns are constructed in parts. the blaster is broken down into a barrel, handle scope. Then there is a blaster.md3 (complete assembled) and then a .glm. I am curious as to if i need to construct the weapons in parts, or can i get away with a whole conscrustion in one signle .md3?

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i went ahead anyways and started modeling it as a whole. I can always save a duplicate and detach and delete any extras



here is a preview, this was done in a half-hour.





Let me know what you think. I'll just do some retouching before i procede. I am anxious to hear what you think.

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I am currently attempting a dry run with the clone trooper rifle. I attempted this using the same method as the lightsaber. Where you name your file to correspond with that in the assessto.pk3 and then the program picks up yours and replaces it with the orginal.


No luck....So i did some digging here on the site and found a post about weapons.dat . I am guessing I am gonna have to do a little editing??? Seeing how many editing experince is very little, i don't want to risk wiping out that weapon totally from the game. Some tips would be greatly appreciated.


Whoever is also taking on this project, i would like to compare notes with you and see how your doing.

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