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RPG Maps?

PIo Koon

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i was wondering if any rpg maps have been made...im not really a rpg'er but some of the maps that were made for Jedi Knight that were rpg were really cool! (that casino hotel one..forgot the name....the jedi highschool...jedi soemthing school) and others like that...so have any been made?

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i haven't played the cantina but i have it...i downloaded ltos of maps and got bored looking heh...but shirna is...ok i guess...


but i wanna see some maps like the jedi acadamy and jedi highschool and that casino level that were in Jedi Knight..those maps were cool...i liked pressing buttons and watching the effects =OD lol

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Didnt know you could do RPG maps. how exactly did they work? that would make an amazing MOD by the way (unless lucas arts closes it down like THE HUNTED) its really funny that someone would be able to create in thier free time for fun what the people there are getting paid to do. they're just a bunch of greedy... nevermind. but anyways, I hope someone does do it, its really sounds fun.

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