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Fuel pumps for Lady Luck


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I got stuck after Lando tells you to refuel the Lady Luck. I

saw the symbols on the things where the hoses come out,

and I saw them on the big pipes in the hanger, and I even

found them on the pump station outside...my question is


How do you get up there? I ended up using a cheat and gave

myself Jump 3 temporarily just to get up there. I walked all

over looking for a normal way up and couldn't find it.


Now I'm at that infuriating wind tunnel in Bespin...grrrr. I'd

like to be able to beat the game without cheating, but since

I have to wait to get online (don't have home internet access),

it is a pain when I get stumpped on these things.




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you just go across the way and jump on one of those little supports around the base of the tank and then jump on the pipes from there and go across.



oh and for the wind tunnel you have to wait for the woosh noise and the little white stuff flying upward next to the platform you are on. once you see them jump into them and they will carry you up to the next platform.

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