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stealth to avoid detection


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You dont have to sneak past these guards, just ignore the room just now, as far as i can remember there is a room with one of those box-shaped droids, you force push this into the locked door next to it, (locked - orange light) it will now open.

I think this leads you to a room where you can turn off the huge force field which blows all the troopers out into space, problem solved.

But be careful there are two guards high up which will shoot at you when you enter the room.

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That's a different area Bilbo.


To get past the first stealth part, make your way into a vent. You'll have to defeat some imperials inside a room. There's a switch that will turn off the electrical field surrounding the pods. Use force speed to get past that.


That should hopefully get you started. The hard part is getting rid of the imperial officer in the room on the ledge that will run to set the alarm once he sees you. There is an alternate entrance to the room from above (run past and take the elevator up). Hope that helps!

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This is a really hard level, harder than it appears at first. I'll try to give a few more hints, although I've only played through the game once (a novice compared to others at this forum).


First of all, as mentioned by Wave Rider, it's not necessary to remain entirely hidden the entire level. The trick is to stay unseen until you can take out the imperial officer standng next to or near the alarm switch.


Second, make frequent use of your force persuasion; it's INVALUABLE here. You can persuade these officers to stand still long enough for you to slash them, then pick off the rest of the stormtroopers around. Just beware of troopers with explosives!


Thirdly, be patient. Use quick saves and full saves frequently, and whenever possible, take a breather, sit still, force heal, and then let your force power build up to full again.


FInally, one specific part to watch out for. In the part mentioned by Wave Rider, you'll find next to that elevator (behind it) a big area with an electrified floor. You have to go into the room across from the elevator, take out the officer above before he hits the alarm, take out the peons below, then flip a switch to deactivate the electric floor. When you've flipped this switch, do a save, then force speed. Run out the back door, up the elevator, across the de-electrified floor (it only lasts for like 20 or 30 seconds). The tricky part is that as soon as you get to the far end, there are 3 or 4 officers standing RIGHT there! Try to use your force persuasion quickly on all of them in turn, turn off your saber, then force speed past them. Take a DEEP breath, you've just gotten past what I think is that hardest part.


From there, just stick to the same principles as before.


Good luck!

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