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Mercenaries PA Recruiting Now!!!

Sige Rebar

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:dsaber: Dark Allegiance :dsaber:


Hello I am here to inform you that there is a great opportunity upon you all now. A PA that is destined to be the next great PA has begun recruiting. We will be a neutral crime PA. We have many opportunities to all who want to join.

The Dark Allegiance has orders for special proposes. These orders perform specific tasks in the Allegiance, and they will receive benefits. The leaders of these Orders will be apart of the senate. There are orders for most all professions.


The Drow Order


The Drow Order is an order of Bounty Hunters. Members of The Drow get the opportunity to buy the best customizable weapons there are in the Allegiance. The members of Drow might also receive Assassination missions. If you complete these missions we will award you with a good amount of money and will give you a promotion in rank depending on difficulty of the mission. Drow will also fight in battles and provide a scout/special opts roles.


The Triton Order


The Triton Order is an Order for Engineers, Miners, and any thing relating to production of items. Members will build items for the Allegiance. Other PA’s will be able to place orders. Members will get profits 50% of the profit. Engineers will be able to trade or buy materials from miners and miner will be able to trade or buy items from Engineers. As the members of the orders skills grow so will the rarity of the materials the others have.


The Delta Order


The Delta Order is an order for merchants. Members in this order have many options. They can start their own business or sell in a market square. They can also find other members in the order and start a business. All businesses will get support from other Allegiance members. Our allies’ members also might provide extra customers.


The Starlith Order


The Starlith Order is an order for criminals. Any criminal profession is welcome in The Starlith Order. There will be stealing from others. When the expiation pack comes out Starlith will pirate, and smuggle.


The Admond Guards


The Admond Guards is an order for the best of fighters. You have to be a dedicated. This means when the game you need to spend 8 or more hours a week on the game. Admond Guards will dedicate most of their skills to fighting. The Admond Guards will receive the best weapons the Triton order can make. Members will receive benefits for their hard work (credits, weapons, and vehicles).


The Mandalorian Mercenary Army & Navy


The Mandalorian Mercenaries are our main military force. They a few role in the Allegiance. They will fight for The Allegiance in PA Wars, but their main task is to be hired as mercenaries. The other PA pays us for how many troops they want. Then our commanders take the troops into battle along side our employer’s army. The amount of money paid will very, depending on rank.


If you are interested please visit our home page at http://sigerebar.tripod.com/ or contact us at DarkAllegianceHQ@hotmail.com

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