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The Industrial Republic: why join?


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We at The Industrial Republic want to have a clear line of communication. We want everyone to be what they want and not have their lives controlled by ruthless leadership. Our plan is to have a council of 10 elders which will serve as heads of their divisions respectively. These elders will report at the end of every month with a status report. We are open to everyone and have just a few simple rules which can be found at our site at http://www.swgpair.cjb.net We want everyone to have a say. We also want the order of command to be followed. The only way to succeed as a PA is to have a solid basis of Agriculture and Mining. These things lead to the manufacturing of droid, speeders, weapons, and eventually armies. We understand this fact and want to promote our completely individual economy. We are currently looking for 3 people to be on our council of elders. After this they will be responsible for recruiting people in their respective branches. Cooperation is the key. I've heard many other PA's that promise results as long as you follow a life of servitude to them. We promise nothing except cooperation and companionship. Join us socket312@hotmail.com

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