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how do you beat the demo of jedi outcast???


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you start by killing all baddies outside and the ones that shoot from the windows, when thei're dead, move inside and kill the baddies that run towards you, directly in front of you there is a door, you need to go through this door, but it's locked. the officer on the higher floor has the key, just go left when you come in and take the elevator to get to the officer. there are also some baddies in 2 rooms left and right of the door, kill those too.


when you go through the door you will get a message from Jan, she tells you that she is in trouble, move to the next door, go through it and kill the baddies on that floor, take the elevator up to the next level and kill the baddies there too, go into the room on this floor (kill some more baddies) and push the button (you can push only one button here, it's on your right when you move into the bigger room) now take the elevator up one more level and also kill the baddies here, also go into the room on this floor and again push the button here. (and now comes the bit where you are probably stuck) move out of the room, when you come out you will see a door on your left, but it's shielded by a force field, you need to take the force field down, do this by killing the officer on the middle isle and the jumping onto it (you can just make the jump if you stand in from of the door you need to go through, face the middle isle and stand totally left, run towards the isle and jump, don't forget to save b4 you do this, you might fall) also push the button in the small room in the isle and now the forcefield should be switched off. jump back and go through the door.


from now on the demo is pretty straight-forward, just move through every door and kill the baddies, after a few rooms you will encounter a reborn. kill him and the door where you need to go to next will open and a baddie will come out, kill him, and the baddies behind the next door, now move through the next door and you will have finished the demo :D


hope this was what you needed, good luck!

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After beating the Reborn Fencer, I go into the small room/hall that opens and kill the Storm Troopers. Then go through the next door and kill the Troopers in there. This room, however, has a blue forcefield blocking me from going on. I must have pushed every button I could see to try to open this forcefield, but no luck. Now I'm stuck.


How do I get this last forcefield to go away so I can finish this demo?




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Jedi-sport, on the second level of the shield generator room, there is a door, go throught it, and throught the next, now there is a switch in front of the window looking at the generator, Ctrl it, and the blue force field should open after the reborn.

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