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How fat is kyle ? Ans what about blaster reflection ?


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I would like to knwo if there is a way I could make a texture reflect blaster bolts like the force fields in the very first level.


Additionally. How fat is Kyle? How wide do doors need to be. What is the smallesst thing he can duck through? WHat is the smallest hole he can fall into?

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How fat is kyle he says, lol...



I'm not sure about the reflection, or the size, but I can tell you this(which might help you figure it out).

The bespin>cortosis texture reflects blaster bolts. I know cause I put it into my first level(a test one, figuring out how to map) and I had lots of fun standing there shooting the walls, and watching them fly around everywhere.

Anyway, you could check that one, and if you know anything about shaders(probably not, I take it your just beginning...) you could probably find the line that reflects stuff...





:sithm: You will die, painfully.

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Place an info_player_deathmatch or info_player start, that will give you a rough idea of how big kyle is, roughly 32 by 32 wide and almost 64 units tall.


The minimum brush that Kyle can climb grid wise is 16. So stairs should be 16 grids or less tall.


For blaster reflection I believe it's a quality of a shader, but I don't remember the code for it. :p

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