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Binding Help Plz!!!!!!!!!


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Is there a way to bind the sabers colors to a key....like bind green saber color to L, something like that. If someone knows they would be like a JK2 coding god, becuase I have asked all my friends and they have no clue.....PLZ coding god help me.:confused:

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thats pretty simple


bind l "color1 3"


thats for green


heres a list of colors:


color1 0 = red

color1 1 = orange

color1 2 = yellow

color1 3 = green

color1 4 = blue

color1 5 = purple


May i ask why you want to know this? Are you working on something in particular, like a script?

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yeah i'm trying to bind saber colors to movement kind of like this....move forward and change saber to green, move right and change saber to red, move back and change saber to purple. Thats what I'm trying to do, so do you know a way to bind them together? If so plz help. I saw a guy with it last night and I'm so jelous it looks realy cool... I ask they guy how I could do it and he was vary rude in his reply. PLZ help me. LOL Thanks

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heh i wonder if this guy was öagging often

because its an info update every time he changes colors. i can only try to convince u that this guy is lame and he probably knows that so he doesnt want anybody else to be lame and didnt answer apropiate....

i hope nobody helps u on this one cuz it wont do any good to the "lamer clean" community!

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That is also fairly simple. Here is the whole script.


Bind "w" "+forward; color1 3"


Bind "d" "+moveright; color1 0"


Bind "s" "+back; color1 5"


Bind "a" "+moveleft; color1 4"


Make a file called autoexec.cfg in your gamedata/base folder in your main jk2 directory. Copy-Paste the script into that file (using notepad or some other text editor) and start the game.


If something is wrong with this script, post again. I havent tested it, but im pretty sure it will do what you want.

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