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I want to make a an always online server


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Ok, I want to make my own server so if people I hate join, I can kick/ban them.And make a server with my choices.Well, mainly a hydroball server because I dont see the "Hydroball WorldCup" server.


So waht I need is a program that makes and ALWAYS online server.


Instructions on how to make it.


Thanks for your help!:):D:joy:

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If you want it to always stay online, then create a ded server, and leave it running. Your question seems a bit vague. All i see is that you want to run a hydroball server 24/7.




So waht I need is a program that makes and ALWAYS online server.


Well ill take a crak at it anyway.

Here are the links for the Dedicated Server


Jedi Knight II dedicated server for Linux


Jedi Knight II dedicated server for Win32


I have not setup a hydroball server so that one is for someone else.



I don't under stand how this was not covered in the Dedicated Server FAQ. I know this is covered in the Dedicated Server FAQ. Maybe I’m loosing my mind????

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Ok, what is the difference between the linux ded server and Win32?How do I make the batch file like the guy said on ded. server faq?The things that people posted about there server like g_blahblah is waht I need to type in for the .cfg file?Please answer these questions :))

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Ok, what is the difference between the linux ded server and Win32?
Um. I think you might want to checkout Microsoft's Website and Linux.org for this answer.



How do I make the batch file like the guy said on ded. server faq?The things that people posted about there server like g_blahblah is what I need to type in for the .cfg file?


You can look at your own jk2mpconfig.cfg (with notepad or whatever text editor you have) and that will give you an idea of what everyone is talking about. You can also look at see an example by [sICK]Vomit in the FAQ as well. You will also find many more exmaples of Custom server.cfg's through out this thread. Please take a little time, and look through some of the previous threads. You may find the answer you are looking for.


Now what you need to ask your self


1 "What kind of server do I want"? DUEL, FFA, TEAM FFA,

2 "Do i want to eanble weapons"?

3 "Do I want weapons at all"?

4 "How many players do I want to join my server"?

5 "Do i want to enable force powers"?

There are more questions you should ask your self, but this is a good start.


Now I am unsure about Hydroball servers, since I have not set one up, but I suggest you learn to set up a regular server first. This way you can get a feel of how it all works. You may also want to try

Jedi Runner by Aphextwin.

This is a great tool for the beginner that will help you get your first custom server off the ground

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Ok, I downloaded the Jedi Runner program and, well, I couldn't see the server.So now I am asking,alll I have to do is copy the stuff that [sICK] wrote down into the .cfg file for win32 ded server into my liking then thats it?

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