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help on hoover pad..cairen reactor


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there are some "things"sticking out of the wall where the cart moves along, there are big ons and small ones (still with me here??) jump on the second big one (the third in total) and snipe the first baddie that shoots rockets with the rifle under number 4 (I forgot the name) (you need to be fast with this one he will probably notice you and open fire, you can only sustain one hit so shoot him fast)

to shoot the other storm trooper you need to jump a few more of these "things" I forgot how many but I think it was 2, you can just see him, there are 2 "tubes" here and you can see him inbetween them. he will shoot at you but his rockets will explode into the tubes while your fire can reach him. now jump all the other ones and from there on it shouldn't be a problem.



ps. this is the way I did it, I don't know if it will work for you, I might just have been lucky.

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