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I Think I Found More Weapons.dat Parameters


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I found more valid parameters you can add to a weapon's configuration in

weapons.dat. I cant figure out what if anything they do but the game doesn't

crash like it does when you add random stuff to the file :D

(for example I was hunting for parameters and tried stuff like "proj_vel 5000" which always caused crashes)


The list is:










If i recall corectly I tried them all in singleplayer.

However none of them had a percievable effect...

I havent tried multiplayer yet.


P.S. I shure hope these arnt common knoledge, else i will be feeling very silly soon ;)


P.P.S does anyone know why all the weapons have their range set to 8192

even for ones like the stun batton when it is obviously false?

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Slight clarification: These arnt just things that dont crash the game.

They are real commands that I found in JK2gamex86.dll


What they do and whether some or all of them are disabled are the questions.

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