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hey can someone please help?


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ok when i play online i can play anywhere from 5-60 minutes before this happens..but it always does.. i'll be playing and suddenly the came will freeze and the sound will start skipping and the game (and my comp) freeze up...i can play all the other new quake3 games just fine (wolfenstien, sof2, moh)...it only happends with this...if anyone can directme to the right thred or help...please help me your my only hope:boushh:

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Here's an article about the "infinite loop problem":



There is always the possibility that, after reading it, you'll find some setting that you have set too aggressively or maybe realize that your power supply is not up to the task, or something similar, etc.


After reading so much about this problem on many tech forums, I think the solution usually involves using less aggressive settings (like BIOS memory timings) in your system or turning down detail in the game.


In other words, the "infinite loop" problem has a zillion different reasons and a zillion different solutions depending on your system.

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