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Originally posted by darthfergie

I remeber the last time I got on a site that was a big RPG...

A guy said he could help me out if I bought a candlestick and whatever was in his bag...needless to say he freacked me out.:)

What was in the bag?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

You didn't :( And thats one of the reasons I don't like FF.

But the new FF will be able to play online with other people. :)


Actually, FF can be quite a fun MP game. You can set each controller to a different character, adn managing battles with 3 of your friends all playing simultaneous is quite fun and challenging. You ahve to work together, like you would in SP, but that doesn't always work out. :D I still like them better than "straight RPG's" coz you can't always have friends or people online to play with.


Anyways, cash isn't my problem. I'm only 15 and i don't have to pay for anything really, except personal wants. So, i end up spending all my money on games, and ten bucks a month isn't that bad. Considering i can't imagine playing it for over 2 or 3 months. Well, not at first anyways. A month is a long time to play a video game remember. Ten bucks would give you a very large amount of time to play, and tens bucks is relatively small. Anyways, i'll get it and have alot of fun, even if it does cost me 10 bucks more than it should.

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Guest Gamma732

The perverts of the world are a minority in gaming communities, I think. I've been playing online games since '98(yeah i know thats not that long) but I have met very very VERY few people like good ole Billy. I'm still friends with someone I used to play SC with years ago. IMO, gaming communities are for the most part like this one: Everyone's friends(with a notable exception ;) ), and no one wants people like Billy to bother us.


The social aspect of Galaxies is something I like....but the necissisity of litteral days to devote to MMORPG's and the cost are keeping me from it.

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Tie I was talking about playing over the net, not with your friends at home (although that can be fun too). Online there is ALWAYS people to play with. Sure it's fun to know who you are playing with but sometimes you just have to play with whoever is online.

You only get 10 bucks a month?

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Guest Gamma732
Originally posted by Kvan

Tie I was talking about playing over the net, not with your friends at home (although that can be fun too). Online there is ALWAYS people to play with. Sure it's fun to know who you are playing with but sometimes you just have to play with whoever is online.

You only get 10 bucks a month?


Since I work at a baseball stadium, I don't work in the winter. So in about a month, my money flow, for all intense and purposes, stops. Or was that $10 thing towards tie? Cus I know I'm beginning to sound rather cheap.....

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Originally posted by Gamma732


Since I work at a baseball stadium, I don't work in the winter. So in about a month, my money flow, for all intense and purposes, stops. Or was that $10 thing towards tie? Cus I know I'm beginning to sound rather cheap.....

It was actually directed at Tie :)

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