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cairn reactor - after the hover car part

Jedi Caspian

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well i got passed this part and i went up the elevator at the end, killed all the troopers, went out of that room killed the two troopers there and went into the huge building thing... i have killed everything in there and explored it to the max... I found a locked door but i need a key can someone help me.... again....

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oops...was mixed up...went back to this level to get myself straightened up!


when you walk in...take the large lift up to the top floor in this room. kill all the imperials that are standing in between the consoles....on one of the consoles to the right is a control. push it--it appears to do nothing--but trust me it does. Go back down to the floor you entered on--the one that is very dark. take the small lift down one more floor to where there are storm troopers standing up on the wall around the clyinder machine/reactor--not sure what that thing is there is also a crate there--if you don't have a second security card--do NOT use it on the crate--you might get stuck that way. kill the troopers...then go to the big lift (which that control unlocked) take it down to the last floor...where there are more imperial officers...one of them has a security card--watch out for the reborn (using push when he jumps towards you and knocking him into the pit is helpful--so you dont' get mauled)! then, go back up to the top floor of this room...and the security card will open the door.


HOpe this helps!



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