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.map to .bsp


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Ok I need help I have made a map not sure if it works cause I am not sure how to get from .map to a .bsp


All the tutorials say I need to compile but don't explain exactly what that is to a newbie of mapping like myself..


anyone that can help I would appreciate it..

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go to the BSP menu, go to BSPfullvis(nolight) and click it. A DOS window will open. Let it go, then eventualy say finished, at which point you can close the does window and load it up as per tutorials.


Post more details if this dosn't help...

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OK, here's as detailed as I can get it...


In GTK Radiant after you've finished off your map, click "BSP" on the top tool bar...Select "BSP FullVis" and it will ask you to save as a .map if you already haven't. When you finish saving as a .map, a DOS window will appear, wait for the DOS window to close and you will now have a .bsp file in /base/maps/ with the same file name as your .map.


Should apply to JK2 Radiant as well...

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