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gmax uv unwrapping problems...


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thats not just a rectangle with an X, it looks like youve uvwmapped a rectangular box. your box has 6 sides, each side is made of 2 polygons and those polygons make a line running from one corner of the box to the opposite.


when you uvwmap a box i suggest you use the Box property, this will give you each side of the box on a single plane making it easy to put together.

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I am not sure how gmax works, but i am pretty sure it is the same as 3d studio max... I found it easier to work like this, especially if your NEW.


The modifier stack should look like this


uvw map modifier


uvw map modifer

meshselect (polygon)


The trick is to get each indiviual part that you want to skin. Even though the saber is one unit (becasue you attached it toghter) think of it as parts. Work slowly am make sure every polygon is selected.


When you get everything selected, collapse you modifer stack. and then apply only a uv unwrapp. DONT APPLY another modifer. You should then see a garbled mess. Using the move and select (the select is the plus key, that selects all the vertices of an element) slowly move apart the different elements. Scale them and place them neatly back in the box.


there you go.

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I would suggest using some other gizmo to unwrap your saber such as cylinder. It looks like you want it to flatten it out so you can see all sides as they should be. You can't get that with planar. Planar just takes a snap shot at whatever angle you have the gizmo set to. it won't unwrap the sides or the top for you. If your going to use planar you will have to take a snap shot of each side.


I would suggest using cylinder for just about everything.



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