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First, let me state that this is merely a question, not a request for the modelers out there.


What I want to know is, would it be feasible to make a Jedi Robe model using the Mon Mothma model as a base. That is, could you add a hood and lengthen the sleeves on her dress. It would obviously need some skinning after that, but all I want to know is if it can be done.


I haven't done modeling before; but hey, I hadn't looked at source code before I made the JediMoves mod.


So, as I said, all I need is a yes/no from someone who knows what they're talking about, and any info you want to provide would be nice too. :D


[EDIT] I relealize that I could find out for myself, but I would really appreciate just a simple yes/no before I waste away many many hours trying to figure it out.


And yes mods, I read how this board is only for displaying works that you've done, but I don't know what other board would be good for posting this question on. If you know of one, move this thread there and let me know.

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yes u could do it, thing is I have no clue how to even open the mon mothma mesh or anything, but I know you could do it....try not to be so "err u won't tell me" because u posted it late at night and I for one just can't sleep, weel the sun is coming up i'm gonna go watch, its one of the great feeling in life to watch the sun come up ya know =P then again i'm a weird Neo Pagan Druid guy.....



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your welcome fellow insomniac,


I just found out there is a tree in the way of the sun and, my dad will kill me if he finds me on the roof again...


Well anyway just wait for the new Plo Koon /w robes to come out take off the head and hands slap on head you want and boom insta whatcha want!


then again that could just be my stupidness talking again, off to go do something....

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All JKII (multiplayer) animations are drawn from the _humanoid.gla

which contains only data for the attitudes and positions of the bones that you see if you import any of the root.xsi's that Raven has given us.


How much the mesh moves depends on how _each_ vertex is weighted to up to 4 seperate bones.


If a given sub-mesh is weighted 100% to a given bone that mesh will not deform, it will simply move in the same manner as the bone.

If you modelled a long cloak and weighted it to the torso 100% at the top and gradiated down to (about) 20% at the bottom, filling in the remaining percentages with weights from the nearby bones (pelvis, upper and lower leg) then the cloak would bend (assuming if contained enough verts) mostly matching the parts of the body it was near but mainly matching the torso.


if you watch the mon mothma model move, the robes never do anything that can't be explained as simply being partially bound between two or more bones.


So to answer your question, No you can't use Mon Mothma (I keep wanting to say Mon Moth-Ra) as a base, but with the existing bone heirachy we have you could duplicate the effect.


However cloaks billowing in the breeze or, billowing out when the character falls are simply not going to happen, they will always either be static or move only as a result of a given bone moving.


(Edit, spelling, jokes)

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