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Nar Shaddaa

Hanch Saode

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OK...I just gotten the game...from waiting 14 days...14 unforgiving days that is...


So my question is:


I am in Nar Shaddaa...(now let me describe exactly where I am)


Remember the little "house", where you had to jump from a minor balcony, and then land on the glass roof, then to smash this, and enter the room to push the button...which slides out this bridge...


Well...I got through all that mess, and that's no big deal...now I have reached the next "floor" about 50-60 meters above this place...


I walk around this corner, turn to the left, see one of those ugly guys throwing thermal detonators at me (don't remember that species name atm.)


So, I blow him up, slice him to bits, and detonates his puny body...and after he dies, the bridge collapses...so...from here I don't know where to go...I can jump over the crushed bridged, but then having no clue where to go...


If you need further describtion of where I exactly am, just tell me here...



Christian, Denmark

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Hey...I figured it out by myself after all....just required a few times of trying...


I don't want to delete this post...since others might get use of it...so here is the answer to my problem...


So, I told you where I was before...well, in fact that is to far from where I should have been going in an other direction...So you have to walk back...through the door around the corner, and down the elevator...in the room with the big glasses, there were one, through which you couls see some guys shooting at you from a hovercraft...now, stand in the window...look to the right...there is a little flat, where you have to jump to. When you've reached this flat, you can then jump on the the smaller hovercraft...(do remember to time your jump, and don't jump when the craft is as far away from you as possible...try to think al little ok? :) When you have reached the craft...things should be quite obvious...so I don't see the need to say more...


So, I hope that this will be at help to others stuck here, where I was stuck until just a few minutes ago :) gl



Christian, Denmark

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