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Diffuse light beams


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i am trying to make a beam of light that comes off of a light and spreads out à la



(sorry, but it was the only example pic i could find. its from bubba's arena on planetquake)


i know the basics regarding these lights, problem is, i don't believe JO has an adequate texture for this purpose. so, i made my own, somewhat in the style used to do these things in the original JK.


here is my texture:



but, it doesn't show up at all how it should in game:



(the top's a bit bright due to the entity light place near there)


I'm guessing this is due to there not being a shader for this texture, however i am extremely naiëve with regards to what needs to be done in shaderEd to bring about a transparent-like beam :)


Any enlightenment would be nice, thanks

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