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GET OVER HERE!!!!! *in scorpion voice*


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hey guys...im making a new mod for jk2. but i really need help. right now i need somebody who is fluent with puttng models ingame jk2. and a coder. if your interested please let me know. my icq # is 120779746. or you can reach me on irc. at server: irc.enterthegame.com . just go there and type /j #MTE


thanks guys.

i have alot planned for this mod. i dont ever remember a mk mod before so it should be interesting. i really need a coder and somebody who can put models into jk2 right now but modelers/skinners/level designers could help alot also.


theres no site yet but is being made currently. here is a pic of the layout so far. its about 80% done.




btw. the planned characters are


earth warriors




johnny cage


sub zero



outworld warriors

shang tsung








im hopeing to have a melee similar of that in the hydroball mod, the punching. but we will ofcourse add kicking. and special attacks the characters have. we are not sure on the fatailityies but will will try or best to figure out in getting them. we also are not sure about the character weapons like in mk4.


thanks guys for reading.

please dont flame me (i know some people dont like mortal kombat, but some do)

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Mortal Kombat kicks ass! I bought Mk3 ultimate + MK2 dedicated cabinets last year (my childhood fantasy). Now I'll never settle for home versions of these games...

I hope to eventually collect all 4 in dedicated/original cabinets.

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yup, each character will have 4 special moves based from the game. they will be done like jedi powers from jk2. but the diffrence is...they are gonna be done in tier levels. the more you kill the higher your tier level goes up so the more moves you can use. we MIGHT put in mk weapons. and we are thinking about making the diffrent saber stances. diffrent fighting techniques for the kicking and punching. and will also make you jump diffrent. but it would be more based to the games if the ninja's all had the same fighting stances ...and so on. all of this information will probally be done by the time the site is up. .........soooo does anybody wanna join. we need people badly.

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