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In GB what is your Favorite vehicle?

Link Antilles

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Guest Tie Guy

For some reason i really like the ATPT, even though it is not even in the Empire but the Old Republic! Oh well, i can get over that coz it just looks really cool.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

For some reason i really like the ATPT, even though it is not even in the Empire but the Old Republic! Oh well, i can get over that coz it just looks really cool.

Well it's in both isn't it? It was a prototype in the Old Rep. and during the Empire it went into full production.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

Well it's in both isn't it? It was a prototype in the Old Rep. and during the Empire it went into full production.


BUZZZ! WRONG! It never went into full production. The ATST and ATAT were based upon it, but the only prototypes were lost aboard the Katana Fleet. After that, all interest in the project was lost.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy


BUZZZ! WRONG! It never went into full production. The ATST and ATAT were based upon it, but the only prototypes were lost aboard the Katana Fleet. After that, all interest in the project was lost.

Man you take all your info directly from the Essentials don't you :rolleyes:

Your right it didn't go into full production but the Empire did produce some.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Kvan

Man you take all your info directly from the Essentials don't you :rolleyes:

Your right it didn't go into full production but the Empire did produce some.


i didn't need to look at a guide to tell you that, but now i'll give you a direct quote to prove my point, "Ultimately, the ATPT project was canceled, although imperial engineerslater used many of its concepts when they created the All Terrain Armored Transport (ATAT) and the All Terrain Scout Transport (ATST)."


Happy now :D

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Guest Gamma732

Even though I'm a big Empire fan, I'd have to say my fav vehicles are the TF's droid piloted tanks(I forget the acronym) and the MTT's.


Of course those are followed by the TIE's and the 3 Imperial walkers :D

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Guest Stormtrooper

Hehe, but what about infantry??? everyone always likes the tougher units...So, lets here what kinda Inf is your favorite.:)

mine is:trooper: :trooper: (you get what i mean:D )

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Originally posted by StormTrooper

Hehe, but what about infantry??? everyone always likes the tougher units...So, lets here what kinda Inf is your favorite.:)

mine is:trooper: :trooper: (you get what i mean:D )




I know what you mean. :D I love stormtroopers too. :trooper:

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by StormTrooper

Hehe, but what about infantry???


Uh, just a wild guess, but i think that the reason no one is saying infantry or jedi is coz the question is "In GB what is your Favorite vehicle" :D


Of course everyone likes jedi and infantry, i personally like them alot better than mechs normally, but that ain't the questions.

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